
We, the undersigned organizations, represent a diverse set of stakeholders that share the belief that recycling refunds/beverage container redemption programs increase recycling and benefit consumers, workers, our communities, and the environment. We also believe that policymakers at all levels of government should understand these programs can help ensure cleaner communities and increased economic opportunities. We agree these guiding principles are integral for successful and effective recycling refund systems. The Can Manufacturers Institute, Reloop, and U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) first articulated these best practices in a November 2021 joint opinion article, thought leadership that later served as inspiration for this website. These core principles were developed and refined over the last 12 months based on dozens of briefings, meetings, and listening sessions with public and private sector stakeholders.

A successful program should adhere to several guiding principles:

Any entity managing the system should have strong government oversight and must meet performance targets

Appropriate deposit values to avoid market distortion and to catalyze high recycling rates

Unredeemed deposits should enhance the recycling system

Include all beverage types and containers with minimal exceptions

Easy, convenient, and equitable redemption options are available as part of everyday activities for all consumers

Each material pays its own way

Use technology and clear labeling to reduce fraud

Recycling Refunds Guiding Principles Supporters

Recycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refundsRecycling refunds